How much does a tire change cost?
Here you will find all information about what is done when changing a tire or what the price of changing a tire is.
How much does a tire change cost?
A tire change for four wheels on costs an average of CHF 100.-.
Depending on the region, the price for changing a tire may vary.
Would you like to have tires changed cheaply? On you can book a tire change online at your desired workshop.You can compare the prices of changing tires on

What does a wheel change include?
When changing tires, the old tire is pulled off the rim. The specialist will then use a special machine to mount the new tires on the rims and balance them so that the wheel runs smoothly.
What is the difference between changing tires and changing wheels?
When changing the tire, the tire is pulled off the rim and then another tire is put on the same rim again. Special tire changers and trained specialists are required to change tires. We recommend that the tires are changed only by specialists. When changing a wheel, the complete wheel is changed. This service is usually carried out seasonally, i.e. twice a year.
Can I change tires myself?
There are many instructions on the Internet about how to change a tire. However, we recommend that the tire change be carried out by a specialist. They can cause damage when pulling or pulling on the tire. You cannot even balance the tires yourself without a special machine. On you can get one in just a few steps Book tire changes online.
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